Oh, a side note. DON'T USE RED POTATOES if you don't have to. They just don't seem to work right for gnocchi or taste right with it.
Here is a video from an Il Fornaio chef that shows how to make the dough. I'm not going to do a video myself, but this one is a good example of how its done. I usually combine everything and knead it in a large mixing bowl to make less mess. I also usually don't add the cheese to my dough. Its too expensive and since I use it in the sauce, it always seems fine with us without.
Next,watch this video on how to shape the gnocchi. I don't do the rolling on the cheese grater like demonstrated or on fork tines or a wooden mold that others do. It's too much work for me and takes too much longer. The sauce seems to work and stick to the gnocchi for me without the extra work, but do remember to dust with flour like he says or they will stick.
If the youtube links die, then search for how to make gnocchi videos and you will find some. I just like these two because they are about how I was taught to do it.
If the youtube links die, then search for how to make gnocchi videos and you will find some. I just like these two because they are about how I was taught to do it.
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